Living like a Winner

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Have you ever really considered your spiritual DNA? Your Heavenly Father spoke worlds into existence. He flung stars into space. He painted every sunrise. He designed every flower. He made man out of dust and breathed life into him. Now here’s the key: He is not just the Creator of the universe. He is not just the all-powerful God. He is your Heavenly Father. You have His DNA. Imagine what you can do!

When you realize who you are, you won’t go around intimidated and insecure, thinking, “I’m lacking. I’m not that talented. I come from the wrong family.” No, you come from the right family. Your Father created it all. When you know who you are, it changes your thinking from, “I’m unlucky. I never get any good breaks” to “I have the favor of God. Blessings are chasing me down.” When you know who you are, you’ll start thinking like a winner, talking like a winner, carrying yourself like a winner, and soon, you’ll start living like a winner, too! Remember, you have the DNA of God, and that’s enough to overcome every obstacle in Jesus’ name!