Iron Sharpens Iron – Believing For What You Want

Iron Sharpens Iron

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Iron Sharpens Iron

One of the best things I’ve learned is that people don’t come into our lives so that we can make them just like us. People come into our lives to relate with and often times to differ with, but these different personality’s will give us different strengths, different interests and different looks on life. God made us all uniquely so that we can sharpen one another (like iron sharpens iron) and cause each other to rise up higher in life.

If you’re going to be happy and enjoy your relationships, you’ve got to learn how to appreciate the differences and learn from the people in your life. If you don’t focus on the right things, you’ll end up allowing the little irritations to cause you to become resentful. When we become resentful, know one wants to be around us.

Is Anyone Perfect?

Remember, nobody is perfect. If you’re going to grow, and get to a better place in your life, you’ve got to be willing to overlook some things. Your going to have people in your life that have like personality as you, and sometimes those personality’s can and will clash. Our assignment or goal is not to fix people. Our assignment/goal should be to love people. Our assignment and goal should be to sharpen one another (like iron sharpens iron) so we can move forward in the good plan God has prepared for each one of us!

Are you focused on forgetting the past?

Many people don’t fully understand what this means. They often times wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me, or someone that has done me wrong?” But one definition of the word forget is to “disregard intentionally or to overlook.”

What this verse is saying is; you have to choose to disregard your past so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward in the life that has been prepared for you. That means the good as well as the bad. Even our some of our past victories can often times keep us from rising higher. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new things that will allow us to move forward in life.

It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your past, it’s time to forget what is behind you. Make up your mind today to look forward, and refuse to look back at the past mistakes, or the bad things that has happened to you in the past, or the people that have wronged you. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you forget what lies behind and press forward, you will see the abundant life the Lord has in store for you!

Sometimes we just have to learn how to trust people and let go of the past hurts and disappointments.

Iron Sharpens Iron

I think sometimes many people refuse to let go of the past due to mistakes, or disappointments that have taken place, that they aren’t able to ever move forward because they are actually in their own way. Example: Maybe a relationship went bad and now we have forgot how to trust people, or some in particular? Maybe you had a business deal go bad and no your unable to trust other business partners, or opportunity’s that present themselves? Maybe you thought that you would be much farther along financially in life than what you are, and now every time something new presents itself, you look back to those past (bad) dealings and are held back from wanting to take another chance and move forward in life?

Things happen from time to time that are not as planned. However, we can either forget them and move on, or we can dwell on them and be held back from something greater in front of us.

Iron Sharpens Iron, and as you enter into new relationships, remember, these people are in your life for a reason. Be willing to rely on that and know and believe that there is something great to come from those relationships, even if you are in disagreements about something, or even if someone irritates you. Nobody is perfect!

Iron Sharpens Iron

Have faith that your dreams and goals can and will come true! Have faith and believe that the “Great Life” is waiting for you, if you would be willing to step out in faith and let go of the past, and “go for it.” Faith moves mountains!

Believe and it shall come to pass,

-Mike Pilcher

