Microwave Society

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In our culture today, people are used to getting things right away. Some people say that we live in a “microwave” society.

In other words, we’ve been programmed for immediacy. People don’t like to wait. But the scripture says, “It’s through faith and patience that we inherit God’s promises.”

Sometimes, it’s easy for people to start out in faith. We declare, “God, I believe I’m going to accomplish my dreams. God, I believe I’m going to overcome this obstacle.” But, it gets harder when we have to walk in patience. When you pray, can you say, “God, I not only believe for big things but I trust Your timing? God, I’m not going to get discouraged if it doesn’t happen immediately.

I’m not going to give up because it’s taken a week, a month or five years. I know the set time is already in my future, so I’m going to wait with faith and patience because I know that it’s on the way.”

Most of us live in a microwave society, wanting everything right now. Don’t be one of those. Be the one that trust God and his timing for the great things that you are waiting for.

Remember, through faith and patience we inherit His promises. Trust His Word, trust His timing, and trust that your answer is on its way!