The Universe

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So many people today are looking for answers. They are looking for direction and tuning in to different voices around them. They think the universe is going to direct them or the stars will lead them. But, why would you turn to the stars for your answers when you can turn to the one who made the stars?

God didn’t just put you on the Earth and say, “Good luck. You’re on your own. I hope you make it.” No, He created us for fellowship with Him. He created us for relationship. He wants us to choose Him over anything else this world has to offer.

Today, don’t settle for second best. Don’t just look to a higher power; look to the Highest Power. Look to God, the Creator of the universe. He is good and has a good plan for your life. If you’ve never turned to God, call on Him today. Ask Him to reveal Himself to You. Ask Him to show you His ways so that you can walk with Him and know Him all the days of your life!