New Vitamin and Supplements Testing – Over 50 Fitness…

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You are about to see a whole new, more affordable, new vitamin and supplements testing report. None of us like aging, but it’s part of life. With this new vitamin and and supplements at your fingertips, now you can actually afford to use them and see the gains you’ve been wanting, and experience way more energy.

Many people think that there is no need for vitamins or supplements. I’m here to tell you the truth. Our body’s need all the extra help they can get and there is a need for vitamins and supplements!

Not all vitamins are good for you though, and as you have probably figured out, most are way overpriced. I’m always testing new vitamins and supplements to find something even better and more affordable.

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, additional fiber and protein is a must to our daily diets. Whey protein and fiber is more important than you think. The whey protein pictured here is something I’ve been using for over 6 months and have had tremendous success with. The fiber pictured is the same I’ve been using for over 3 years now, the creatine is a new one I’ve been testing for over 3 months now. Also pictured is a multi vitamin that I love and have been using for close to a year now and love it!

The best part of these vitamins and supplements is they are all available at your local Walmart, and very affordable. Yes, I said Walmart! They finally are carrying good products at affordable prices. How handy and cool is that?

New vitamin and supplements testing

Make sure and check out yesterday’s post for detailed information, but a real simple guide is; just make sure and keep your daily protein intake higher than your carbohydrates intake.

New Vitamin and Supplements Testing Report

Do yourself a favor by tracking this with Garmin or some other tracking devises. You will NEVER be successful to anything if you aren’t tracking your results!

I have included information for tracking devises and free apps that I use, in yesterday’s post and also in previous blog post on this website.

Don’t forget to get in your weekly exercise. Walking or some type of workout will boost your energy level beyond what you can believe.

What’s your weekly exercise program look like?

Feel free to leave comments below!

Always do your best,

-Mike Pilcher

Mike Pilcher

