Water Enhancers that B@@ST your Energy…

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I wanted to share some of the water enhancers that Boost your energy…and are good and healthy for you to use.

We all know that drinking water is good for us, but more often than not most of us neglect drinking water because soda pop, or other drinks taste better…right?

Are you drinking enough water each and every day? You do realize that dehydration comes from lack of water, don’t you? Water is so important for our body’s proper functions. Water just doesn’t have the taste most of us want…or need, which is the reason most people don’t drink enough water on a daily basis.

See pictures below for a few if the water enhancers that I use and love. And, they are actually good for you!

water enhancers that Boost your energy

Water Enhancers that B@@ST your Energy

The water enhancers shown above are all B-Vitamins, which makes them a healthy boost of energy. The other good thing is; they also taste really good…and better for you than soda pop. Just think, your getting the water your body needs, and you are also getting the important vitamins your body needs to operate at its highest level.

I typically drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day. However, when it’s hot out, that usually doubles and sometimes triples.

How much water should you drink each day? Check out this blog post here for more information.

Always do your best,

Mike Pilcher

Mike Pilcher

